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Излагање проф. др Србољуба Живановића на конференцији у Санкт-Петербургу на еглеском језику Штампај Е-пошта
среда, 10 новембар 2010

Излазећи у сусрет молби наших цењених посетилаца, објављујемо, на енглеском језику, излагање нашег уваженог сарадника проф. др Србољуба Живановића са конференције одржане у Санкт – Петербургу 28. октобра 2010.  Захваљујемо се овом приликом проф. Живановићу на преводу текста.




              “The largest conspiracy is that one about crimes of genocide committed in Yugoslavia during  WWII which were organized by Vatican”

                                                                                 Bertrand Russell

According to historical data, popes and the roman catholic, with the help of West  European countries for centuries carried on the fight against the Eastern Europe, Byzantium and the Orthodoxy in general. The aim of the Crusades to the East was not the liberation and protection of the Grave of Christ, but to destroy Byzantium  and to establish the Latin empire. Serbian state, as a strong orthodox country which took over the power from the weakened Byzantium  and carried on its role, stood firmly against Rome and the West which  tried to extend their influence to the East. The Serbian Orthodox Church  was, and still is a strong fortress which should be destroyed to enable Rome and the West to open the road to the East. Many books could be written to describe what popes , roman catholic and the states of western Europe  tried to do against Serbs over  centuries. As an example, we can take a letter written by the pope to the first Hungarian king Stephen I , after awarding him the crown that there are 42 schismatic (orthodox) monasteries on the territory of his new kingdom and there is no roman catholic monastery, so something must be done. Since that time, from the 12th and 13th century an intensive fight against  orthodox Serbs was carried on. The wars started by the crusaders continued to spread catholic influence in Serbian countries under the foreign rule (Turkey, Germany, Austria and Hungary),”by fire and sward, feather and word”. They used any means to fight, because “the aim justifies the means”. The aim of Roman Catholic Church is to exterminate the Orthodoxy, and the used the power to kill, to torture, to expel , to rape,  and to use all the possible atrocities against Serbs. Over the centuries  Serbs were firm in defending its believes and never agreed to recognize pope as the head of the church even under the most of pressure, so Roman Catholic Church decided to execute the systemic genocide of the Serbian population. Serbs should be exterminated form the surface of the earth. Genocide against Serbs did not start in Croatia during the WWII. It was carried on in 18th and 19th century, and in the previous centuries also. The problem now is that people in general do not read and learn history, and many events of the past are forgotten. It was forgotten that Croat catholic and Bosnian Moslems, being the citizens of Austro-Hungarian  empire performed a terrible genocide of Serbs during WWI .Kingdom of Yugoslavia did not wish anybody to talk or write on this genocide to avoid hatred and revenge against  Croats and Moslems in the new united state. Croats and Moslems have never been punished for their atrocities against Serbs during WWI . Because of this policy there is no surprise that Croat catholic and Moslems  from Bosnia carried even more severe atrocities during WWII against Serbs, Jews and Roma.

Roman catholic clergy, mainly of the Franciscan order which was most numerous in  Croatia which ruled over Bosnia,   Hezegovina and parts of Serbia used for centuries to teach Croatian children to hate all those who  were not catholic ,mainly orthodox Serbs and Jews. Catholic clergy and RE teachers, at schools, churches and all gatherings of the people asked Croats to kill, to torture, to rape, to rob and to forcefully convert into catholic fate orthodox Serbs. They used to cut off three fingers of the right hand of Serbian children so that they can never again make the sign of cross in the orthodox way.

The Independent State of  Croatia as soon as it was established in 1941 proclaimed as its official policy to kill one third of Serbs on its territory, to convert into catholic fate one third, and to expel one third .The parliament of Croatia, passed , in the presence of,  now,  blessed archbishop of Zagreb Alojzije Stepinac, and papal nuntio Giusepe Markoni, as well as all the Croatian and Bosnian bishops,p0assed severe racist laws by which all Serbs, Jews and Roma lost their human and legal rights. They expelled them from their houses, which they owned for centuries, they lost all their property and  lost their jobs. Every Croat catholic or Moslem could rob, torture kill,  slaughter or rape Serbs, Jews and Roma without any punishment. All Roma were proclaimed a lower race, a kind of animals which have to be exterminated. Everybody would kill Roma, and nobody counted the number of killed. The State of Croatia organized concentration camps for extermination of Serbs, Jews and Roma. Besides large camps in  cities, in all small towns and villages  they conducted torture, rape, slaughter and killings by various means, they used to throw victims into the cold waters of the rivers Sava, Una, Sana, Vrbas etc. The ordinary citizens of Croatia  of catholic faith and Moslems, villagers, teachers, educated and non educated, all of them  commited atrocities. There were no nazis, nor fashists in Croatia, but just Croat catholic. The unborn children, small children and babies could not be political opponents. The crimes against Serbs, Jews and Rome were organized and executed by the State of Croatia with its army ,police, catholic organizations, crusaders, Ustasha, Franciscan priests, nuns etc. Croats were the only nation in the world which severely tortured their victims, for a long time,  depriving them of water and food, extracting their eye-balls, cutting off parts of body and the kill them by mallets, slaughter etc.  or

Throwing them alive into the open fire places and mass graves, into deep pits. They used to cut out unborn children from pregnant women. In Germany they used to kill people quickly and efficiently  and tried to use the remains as industrial raw material, without much torture, but in Croatia catholic and Moslem murderers liked to torture victims before they killed them. Unfortunately catholic priests asked the Croat population to torture and kill Serbs, Jews and Roma, as well as catholic nuns, teachers etc. According to the USA data obtained after WWII more than 1400 catholic priests in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina personally used to torture, kill, rape and forcefully convert Serbs, Jews and Roma. The International Commission for the truth on Jasenovac managed to collect 1171 names of such priests .Catholic nuns were not included into this number. In plain words out every three catholic priests two were murderers. More than 400 pits, wells and caves in which the victims were thrown alive are identified so far. The Jasenovac system of concentration camps was one of the largest places for the torture and extermination of Serbs, Jews and Roma. Camps and places for extermination were placed in the town of Jasenovac and around it on  the  left bank of the river Sava and in Donja Gradina on the right bank of the river and surrounding villages. There was a special camp for extermination of small children in Jasenovac system of  camps. This camp had four parts. The first part was for the children under the age of one, the second part was for the children aged one to four years, the third part was for the children more than four years old, and the fourth part was for the sick children. Catholic State of Croatia was the only state in the world which had a concentration camp for extermination of  small children.

Hans Ivan Merz who was blessed by the pope John Poul II was one of the main  catholic and jesuit ideologists who educated generations of Franciscan priests, crusaders to hate Serbs, Jews and other non catholic people. Following his teaching a large number of priests of the Franciscan order, nuns, crusaders and other catholic used to torture, rob, rape and kill Serbs , Jews and Roma. Now blessed by the catholic church, Dominik Mandic was the organizer of  escapes of criminal murderers from Croatia into USA and Latin America after the end of  WWII. The arch-bishop of Zagreb, cardinal Alojzije Stepinac who used to bless torturers and killers of Serbs, Jews and Roma, who himself forcefully converted many victims promising them that they would save their lives if they become catholic was also blessed by pope. Stepinac contributed to the passing of most severe racist laws in Croatian parliament. One has to say that catholic priests, their bishops and arch-bishops were extremely cruel towards the orthodox priests and bishops. St.Peter of Sarajevo was tortured. His beard was pulled out, nails were hammered under his nails, horse shoes were nailed on his feet before he was killed. St. Platon of Banja Luka had his chest slashed, fire was set on his body and he was eventually drowned in the river Vrbas. St.Sava Trlajic was tortured and thrown alive in Katina pit. Catholic priests used to rape wives and daughters of orthodox priests, and other orthodox people and then forced the orthodox priests to watch as they killed their children asking them to say prayers for their souls.

All of this that I wrote so far may look to somebody as the result of a sick mind or criminal aim to blame the catholic church, Croat or Moslem for unbelievble crimes commitied by them. That is the reason why I have to quote a number of testimonies of the victims who somehow managed to survive, testimonies at the court of justice after WWII,  dairies of the torturers  captured after the war, books that were written by criminals and witnesses  who witnessed personally the crimes.. One could write a thousand books to tell all that is known about the suffering of the victims. For me, it is possible to quote just a few of these testimonies.

In his book “Srpska mladez sreza Perucac (Lika) vict quatesa letter of an Italian officer who wrote:  “ What these poor Serbs did to them?  Is iyt human to cut out the unborn  children from the wombs of their mothers, and then to hang them on the wall with a note – Serbian meat – 1 dinar per Kg.”…”They killed the fathers of these children…They expelled Serbian mothers with many  children from their homes, and soon after that they with their children started to rob the houses of their former neighbours … These Croats would snatch small children from the hands of their mothers, took them by their legs and smash their heads on trees and stones, and after that they would throw them into pits.” The same  author gives a table of victims killed in one of the places:

Children aged up to l year – 40

Children aged from 1 to 7 years – 142

Children from 7 to12 – 97

Children from 12 to 15- 65

Yout from 15 to 20 -145

Total number of victims -1441

There are many such examples

Dusan Bursac in his book “Andjeli u paklu” gives on page 26 description of the way in which catholic nuns used to poison Serbian children.

One of the victims who managed to survive  Mrs Zorka Delic-Skiba, after describing how her whole family was killed  wrote that a catholic nun pooled her hair backward so that  her neck is better exposed to the killer  whose hand was somehow stopped and he simple pushed her alive into the mass grave. During the night she managed to pool herself out of the grave.

Cadik Danon in his book “Saseceno stablo Danonovih wrote the following: “They snatched children from the hands of their  mothers in the most brutal way…The murderer would grab the child, one by one andbrake his skull with a mallet, and then throw him into the grave. The author of the book witnessed that from the distance of 30 m.

Dr.Dragoslav Stijakovic gives detailed description of the catholic Croats and Moslem on more than 500 pages. The most monstrous are descriptions of the slaughter of pregnant women whose unborn children were cut off their wombs, or description of rape of small girls, school girls and young women.

Vasa Kazimirovic gives in his book “Nezavisna drzava Hrvatska” reports of German officers from Croatia. Captain   Glez von Horstenau wrote on 14th of June 1941: They used to kill in a beastly way small children, even newborn …many women and children were  left on plain stones…naked skeletons…the commanding officer is a wild beast… they raped these women, tortured them and then killed… they killed children…”

Writing about atrocities and crimes of catholic Croats and Moslem Dusan Babic, among the other descriptions tells us how Tito and his partisan movement did not wish to stop killing of Serbs ,Jews and Roma, and how they tried to suppress the knowledge of these crimes. He describes how the Propaganda Unit of the of Karlovac Communist Party  wrote an article on the massacre of Serbs. All of them were court martialed  and sentenced to death. They were executed on July 13 and 14th 1941.He also writes about Catholic Church which welcomed the establishment of the Independent State of Croatia and of catholic priests who were murderers and torturers of the Serbian population. The archbishop of Zagreb Alojzije Stepinac issued an order to all clergy on April 28th 1941in which he  welcomed the establishment of Croatia “not only as a son of Croatian people but also as the representative of the  Holy Sea”. He also said that Croatia must be clean area in which only Croat people live.

Gojko Vezmar in his book “Ustaski zlocini u Lici 1941-1945”gives names of the following catholic priests who used to torture, kill and rape Serbs, Jews and Roma. Similar data  exists for many other places in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina:

Rev.Dragutin Kukolj, RE teacher in the secondary school;

Nikola Masic, teacer. Both of them recruited crusaders and taught  them to commit crimes.

Fr.Josip Bujanovic – pop Jole;

Fr.Mihovil Marber;

Fr.Stjepan Gabric;

Don Krsto Jelinic;

Fr.Ljubo Magas;

Also: Vladimir Stuparic, Kargacin, Niksic, Josip Banic and Grga Starcevic;

Fr.Josip Fajdetic;

Fra Bruno Varijaza;; and many  more.

Croatian doctor and inmate of Jasenovac Dr.Nikola Nikolic wrote on the crimes commited by Fra Vjekoslav or Tomislav Filipovic-Majstorovic called Fra Satana (Devil).  Dressed  as a catholic prist he used to slaughter small children. The same was done by his brother- in- low Ljubo Milos. Dr.Srecko Peric, catholic priest in his church, after the service called the people to go and kill: “Croats, go and kill all Serbs, but first of all go and kill my own sister who got married a Serb. When you complete the killing come back to the church and all your crimes will be forgiven.  Fra Petar Berkovic in his letter to the government of Croatia describes the crimes commited by him. Fra Alojzije Cosic was decorated for the crimes that he commited against Serbs, Jews and Roma.

Dane Lastavica wrote about the rape of small girls. Most of them were raped while their mothers were forced to watch that. During his interrogation at the court of justice after WWII Jozo Borovac admitted that he forced Mrs Stojanka Bulat to hold her 13 years old daughter Mileva while he was raping her. Miss  Stana Arnaut, a school teacher was raped by her catholic students. Djuro Zatezalo wrote that  absent-minded and perverse catholic priests used to fix the children on the chest of their mothers and than kill the so that mothers would suffer even more pain. Afterwards the would kill the mothers.

Franciscan priest Jozo Felinovic, in his personal dairy gives a list of raped women in a barrack  , with the names of the women, names of rapists etc. Croats used to rape girls in open spaces so that all the people could watch that.  They used to deprive of virginity the girls 14 years old. Children were forced to watch the rape of their mothers.  They used to force girls to take off their cloth and to be exposed naked so that everybody could see them. Afterwards, they  would bring soldiers to rape them .

Finally, they would kill them.

It is very difficult, or better to say it is impossible to tell everything that is known in one lecture. We can only hope that the truth of catholic Croat and Moslem criminals will be generally known, one day.

After all these atrocities and crimes of the catholic priests, catholic Croats and Moslem against Serbs, Jews and Roma is it possible to have a dialog between the Orthodox and Catholic Church? There is a hope among roman catholic tht the crimes would be forgotten if you stop to talk or write on them. They try to collect, bay and burn all the books describing their crimes. They also try to tell the young people that all these crimes are imaginary. But there are many witnesses still alive.  There are some bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, borne after WWII, and brought up in  communist schools, poisoned by some ecumenical ideas who would like to have some kind of dialog with catholic church. They forgot the fact that the Orthodox people believe that the head of their church is God Jesus Christ, and catholic church accepts as their head a man whom they call pope. Credo is not the same in the two churches. Catholic and orthodox do not believe in the same thing. There are huge differences in the religious dogma in the two churches. Catholic church at the moment has a large number of problems. Every day there is a new  scandal involving catholic priests. There are many  homosexuals and deviant individuals among them. Hundreds of thousands roman catholic leave their church every day.. All the world press writes about that. Catholic bishops speak about that.

But  there are some Serbian bishops that would still  like to have some sort of a dialog with catholic church. There is a possibility that their intension is good and they would like all Christians in the world to live in peace.  They would be prepared to reject the teaching of St.Sava, the founder of the Serbian Orthodox Church. On the contrary, we must know, that pope Pius XII received in audience , in may 1941 the war criminal and head of Croatia  state Ante Pavelic, who passed the most severe racist legislation against Serbs, Jews and Roma, as well as a group of Croatian killers. Catholic church has never said anything against this gesture. Pop John Paul II  suggested in 1991 that Serbs should be exterminated and that Republika Srpska should be bombarded from 30th August to 13th September 1995. He supported illegal aggression  against Serbia by USA and NATO alliance in 1999.Foir five times pope visited Croatia and Bosand Herzegovina, he was just a few kilometres far from Jasenovac, but he never came to visit the place and pray a single payer for the souls of innocent victims of catholic atrocities during WWII. On the contrary, he blessed the most severe killers and organizers of the genocide of Serbs, Jews and Roma. The same pope supported catholic organization “Govani Veco” which tries to  “open to the world” Mount Athos and convert orthodox monasteries into hotels, museums and brothels. The present pope Jozef Ratzinger or Benedict XVI was in his youth Hitlers supporeter and member of Hitler Jugend organization. He continues the policy of the   previous popes and supports the globalisam. Unfortunately, he has support of one Turkish and USA servant, the ecumenical patriarch Bartholomew I, who is ready to forgive all catholic atrocities and all that popes have done  in the past. The Ecumenical Patriarchat in Istanbul  as early as 1993, tried to submit under its power all the orthodox people throughout the world.  They wished to remove the influence of other orthodox churches in the world like the Russian church which has more orthodox feitful than all the other orthodox churches together like Serbian, Bulgarian Armenian etc. He wished to be a Eastern pope  above all the orthodox people in the world. There is a number of orthodox bishops who give their support to the ecumenical patriarh, some Russian and some Serbian bishops among them. They are introducing some “new” rituals into liturgy, so that becomes more similar to catholic mass  forgetting that even some catholic clergy does not stick to these changes in ritual. The pope in Rome gives his support to ecumenical patriarh who forgot that the orthodox church is not governed by one man but by the council of bishops. Orthodox people will never agree to have a pope as their leader.  Rimo catholic church would be quite happy to see weakening of the orthodox churches  suffering from an in fight between different fractions. Split into many parts they could be conquered  much easier. Orthodox  faithful who  comprise the “living body of the church” can not accept such behaviour of some of their bishops.

USA, as a major world power, gives support to catholic church to fight the orthodox Christianity. They gave support to Croat catholic and Bosnian mujehedin fighters in the war against Serbs from 1991 to 1995. In Kosovo and Metohija catholic priests in NATO forces used to rob Serbian orthodox monasteries and churches and used to take away their  sacred objects.When Albanian forces expelled the old orthodox seminary from Prizren, that very day   Jezuits opened their seminary there. .So, if  some of the Serbian bishops forgot the first concentration camp organized by Croat and Hungarian government during WWI in Arad, or if they tend to forget 700 000 Serbs that lost their lives in Jasenovac camps, then the people will be against them. We must not forget the words of the Holy Serbian  Patriarh  during his visit to Jasenovac:

“As Christian people we must forgive, but we must never forget if we are human”.

 At the end we can conclude that any dialog between catholic and orthodox church is impossible if  catholic do not recognize their sins and ask for forgiveness . Catholics should throw out their non canonical doctrines. The pope must proclaim that he is  not without sin.  Only after that there may be a dialogue  which would lead to the return oh catholic church into the holy orthodoxy.

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